“Aaaah…..well that’s me completely finished, I’ve got absolutely nothing to do now!”……said no gardener ever!

My never ending ‘Jobs To Do’ list in my head never appears to get any shorter, in fact if anything, it increases in length with every visit to the allotment. I find it seemingly impossible to sit for 5 minutes to enjoy a break without scanning the surrounding area for weeds to pull up. But would I have this any other way? Definitely not. As sad as it is seeing our crops coming to the end of their growing season; I actually get a strange sense of satisfaction from clearing the spent plants & digging over the ground. It may be late September, but these freshly dug blank canvasses can still be put to good use. So to keep you busy & perhaps add extra items to your ‘Jobs To Do’ list; here are a few things you can have a go at sowing now…….. Broad Beans You can be the envy of your fellow allotment holders when they see you harvesting your broad beans in early spring just as they begin to sow their own seed. Have a go at sowing ‘Aquadulce Claudia’ which are perfect for overwintering.
I never seem to be able to keep spinach happy whenever I grow it during the summer months. Clearly not keeping up with its very strict watering regime, our crop will insist on having a full on panic; bolting & going to seed. However, grow this vitamin rich leafy green during the cooler autumn/winter months & this is less likely to occur. Try growing ‘Perpetual’ which is extremely hardy & delicious to boot!
Winter Lettuce
Who says eating salad is just something to be enjoyed during the summer? You can grow your own fresh lettuce during winter too. Sow your seeds now, (and every few weeks after that) & you can be enjoying your greens throughout the colder months. A perfect lettuce variety for this is ‘Arctic King’.
Spring Onions
A perfect, fast growing crop which is great for successional sowing. Keep sowing your seeds in 3 or 4 week intervals for a continuous crop of this yummy, versatile vegetable throughout the cold winter months. A great variety for this & all round great performer is ‘White Lisbon’.
Broccoli This extremely hardy veg is not only tasty but is jam packed full of vitamins. Sow your seeds now & you can be enjoying those delicious dark green florets in early spring. Keep sowing your broccoli seeds every few weeks & you will have a seemingly never ending supply to enjoy. Give a variety called ‘Stromboli’ a try. There's lots more for you to have a go at sowing this autumn but I think I will save those for another day as I’ve probably given you enough to keep you busy for now. As always, I would love to hear how you’re getting on in your gardens & allotments so please do get in touch & let me know.